Near the end of 2018, market was taking a major dive. All the paper gains, I previously held were diminishing before my eyes. I panicked and sold off most of my holdings in my IB Margin account. That proved to be my worst downfall to date.
For 2019, I was like a walking zombie literally as I had a young colicky baby who woke up every 2-3 hours each night and a rumbustious toddler to test my patience. I was not active in the market at all. I missed out on a stellar market rally.
Boohoo, this is my sad stock story. But I am determined to start a fresh and get back into the swing of things. My RRSP (27.64%) and TFSA (38.07%) has been growing steadily as I have left most of my stocks alone. IB Margin (-32.85%) is in the negative (OUCH) as I have withdrawn cash to fund other commitments.
Could 2020 be a record year again? Or could it deflate again and I can catch my footing again?
Time will only tell.