Saturday, May 23, 2015

Gambler in Me

Some ladies like to spend their thousands on a designer bag, but I like to buy investments that will give me returns that I seek forth.

Calculated risks are always gamble.  Weighing in my options, I decided to buy a LEAP out to Jan/2017 call on $AAPL with a strike price of $110. 

BOUGHT 1 AAPL Jan20'17 $110 CALL @ 29.54 - call me crazy lol

The reason behind my trade is I'm bullish on $APPL and I think in the next while it might head upwards.  Therefore, I can bank on the gains.

Currently, Apple Inc ($AAPL) is trading around $130/share.  I could buy 100 shares @ $130 for a $13,000 investment in today's market.  But I don't have $13K USD laying around unless my GTC order for $GOOGL hit $600 soon.  Instead of owning the stock for $13k, I put down $3K to play on the price movements.  

Yesterday, $AAPL went up by $1.15/share and my option also went up by like $0.80/share.  If I were to sell my option at any point yesterday, I could have made $80 on $3,000 vs owning the stock for $115 on $13,000.

The downside to this CALL option is if $AAPL share prices continues to fall from this range, I would lose money depending on when I want to cut my losses in the 606 days left to my expiry date.  Let's say by Jan 2017, $AAPL is trading below $110, my CALL option would become worthless and I would take a $3k realized loss vs owning the stock with a paper loss of $2k.  

Time will only tell whether I made the right call or not.


  1. 'Gambler in Me' sounds like me LOL.
    I'm also bullish on AAPL.

    1. So glad to have someone on my side. But would you do a similar call trade on $AAPL like this. 😅
